
So as you undoubtedly have gathered, my first novel, The Third Face, came out a week ago. Awesome? Awesome. I freaked out, had an online party, then had an offline party at a coffee shop.

The place was packed and I sold every book I had, both there and in a local grocery store. (Still waiting anxiously for more copies to arrive!) The library also has a copy of the book, and I’ve even heard that a local restaurant is interested in selling some for me. Yeah, wow. Continue reading

Community Call

Lately I’ve been going out and looking for people who have blogs and want to hold interviews or even, possibly, guest posts. It’s a good way to meet new people in the writing community.

But it also wouldn’t be fair for me to just do that one way. Nobody can do those things if there aren’t blogs to host them. So, starting today, I shall play the host as well.

Are you an author that’s published recently or in the near future? Are you a blogger eager to be seen on a new platform? Well, this blog is not a bad place to get started. I’m still growing myself, but because of this practice, it may very well become a decent place to be seen.

To get talking with me about these things, please e-mail me at: philnschipper@gmail.com